Our NEW Tree Hive® Pancake and Waffle Mix! (update for MIX cooking instructions)


This is technically not a recipe but we have a new TREE HIVE® Pancake and Waffle mix at Walmart stores that makes it extremely easy to whip up a delicious breakfast! Here, I topped a pancake with chopped bananas and blueberries then drizzled it with almond butter and TREE HIVE® Syrup! And look at that new Tree Hive Syrup bottle- easy pour top!!

NOTE: If you want thicker pancakes, use 3/4 a cup of water instead of 1 cup. This helps a lot! Also, make sure your griddle is preheated to medium-ish before spooning the batter on…this helps ensure it’s cooked well on both sides!

Eric VanderSchaaf